This (close to) 60 year old , who was a high school student back in 1969, is currently studying for the Advanced Diploma in engineering:
- because he once believed that crap cited above.
(SFPW, stick that in your pipe and smoke it!)
the wtbats like to state "we never stated when the end will come" when they blatantly have:.
1969 "if you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things.
because all the evidence in fulfillment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years.
This (close to) 60 year old , who was a high school student back in 1969, is currently studying for the Advanced Diploma in engineering:
- because he once believed that crap cited above.
(SFPW, stick that in your pipe and smoke it!)
one more highlight from the ca...for now... how to survive the end.
the bible says:.
1) prayer.
Salvation by Report Card is what he really meant!
wolford and betty john,nice loveing couple,always loved children.. arther and tinnie roderson, nice couple he passed away some years ago too young from cancer.. wiakato and hine gray couldn't ask for better people.. jack teesie ..single guy would never go to a single sisters place for dinner even if she had children apperantly a bad look.. joe sleighman and wife nice couple were d.o's leaft and joined our side.. sandy pannell and wife...he reminded me of bill clinton always love to look down from the stage and wave his left finger at the congro....never liked him.. han's hubler,nuff said has been a few threads started about him.. there is many more.. karter..
Cyclone Rex had a thing against banana lounges - and also pencil pines. He used to make frequent reference to both of them!
a little background, i faded in 2007 and have been out ever since.
i started studying at 18 and have no jw realitives.
i'm returing because my life is heading in the wrong direction.
They do say "any port in a storm", but this would have to be a typhoon of Haiyan magnitude, surely!
god, evidently, wants you to be poor: .
a newly baptized brother is married, and he and his wife have three small children.
one day, a workmate suggested that he and the brother move to another company that paid a higher wage and provided more benefits.
Billy the Bethelite,
Regular reading of the Awake & Watchtower magazines would qualify you for at least one university degree:
- a BS from Tasmania's University of Lower Crackpot.
(Except in this case, "BS" means "Bachelor of Stupidity"!)
wolford and betty john,nice loveing couple,always loved children.. arther and tinnie roderson, nice couple he passed away some years ago too young from cancer.. wiakato and hine gray couldn't ask for better people.. jack teesie ..single guy would never go to a single sisters place for dinner even if she had children apperantly a bad look.. joe sleighman and wife nice couple were d.o's leaft and joined our side.. sandy pannell and wife...he reminded me of bill clinton always love to look down from the stage and wave his left finger at the congro....never liked him.. han's hubler,nuff said has been a few threads started about him.. there is many more.. karter..
Of all the COs, how could anybody fail to remember "Cyclone Rex" Manwaring!
He struck our congregation (Newmarket, in Brisbane) in mid-1976, when the disappointment of 1975 had caused the "unthinkable"
i.e. the congregation's average hours had fallen well below the magical figure of ten per month.
From him, we certainly heard a lot about "hours", and his favorite expression was that if we were not, in effect "persecuting" ourselves in our service, we were not doing our job properly!
With "Cyclone Rex" weilding the horsewhip, the congregation's hours did improve. However, in the process, he made himself extremely unpopular - to the point that nobody would invite he or his wife for a meal. The then Service Overseer had to have that "priviledge" all on his own!
Others here have noted Manwaring's rudeness of manner. I certainly second that one!
By contrast, the previous CO to thast circuit was a Geoff Slarke, who was of a totally different cut to "Cyclone Rex."
Talking of contrasts, do any in NZ still remember Don Malpasse (Gilead Graduate of 1973 - then CO, DO and finally Branch Overseer in New Zealand )? He, too, was cut out of the completly opposite material to Rex Manwaring!
i understand that they claim to have the responsibility to preach to every corner of the earth, so they can encourage armageddon to come quickly.
(matthew 24:14 "and this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
what rationale do they have, for keeping track of their hours and literature placements?
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses keep track of field service hours?
-because they cop it if they do not, nothing more, nothing less.
(In other words, field service reports are a stick with which to bash the Rank & File with).
this is and odd topic but there is a part of me that really misses feeling that i knew more about the world than 99.9% of the people.
i spent so many years in school being the odd person because of religion.
i embraced it to some extent.
In answer to your question - no.
i.e. I never ever felt a sense of superiority about what I knew / what I thought I knew.
i'm really interested in this question because i've heard for years that if you forgo further education and go pioneering, when you have a family down the track you will get a good job because jehovah will provide for you because you pioneered.
as long as i was a kool-aid drinker, even then, i thought, "how does pioneering pay your bills?
surely education should come first.
I have said this before, but will say it again for the sake of any "newbies" listening here.
I was prevented from attending university by direct inervention of the elders. Then -- - to compound this, 12 months later, the very same elders made me abandon my apprenticeship that I had just started. Seven years later, I started again as an adult apprentice, only this time I was married, with one dependent child and one other on its way.
At the end of my apprenticeship, my employer offered to sponsor me through the diploma course. However, my wife of the time strongly objected that "the children needed a father." She was quite correct , of course.
Now ... I am several months into the Advanced Diploma course.
I will need this qualification just to retain the position that I have - and which I will need to continue working at for at least the next eight years :
- being one of that age group who wouldl "never grow old in this system" I have #&ck -all in the way of retirement savings.
So .... did I follow the WTS direction on education years ago an end up screwed as a consequence -- you're bloody right I did!
in my plan to exit the jw i thought it would be good if i adhere to another faith group, not cultish as the jw but non trinitarian.. this is decided for the sake of my children (two sons)'s spritual safety.
i researched the internet and in the non trinitarian groups i found these christadelphian.
any idea about this group?.
Just one more group that emerged out of the wreckage of William Miller's failed propheies of 1844.